eBOSS: What Was Your Journey To Becoming An Agent?
eBOSS: What Do You Look For In Talent When You’re
Adding People To Your Roster?
Carolyn: A grounded individual! Excellent personality and
a flexible schedule, so that they can attend auditions (‘sometimes’ at a
moments notice)! An agency is only as good as their talent. It is our job as an
agency to seek out the best talent that are easy to work with. They should be
polite, and have a positive attitude. Training is essential to their success,
and we play a role in steering them in the right direction. The effort is split
50/50 between the talent and agency.
eBOSS: How Important Is It For Talent To Have A
Carolyn: Talent should have a demo reel so that they can show
casting directors and clients their abilities and their unique range as a
performer. A demo reel is a great asset to have. A demo reel is a compilation
of your work. It is something that builds as your experience/resume builds over
eBOSS: What's The Biggest Mistake That Performers
Make When Auditioning?
Carolyn: “Can I do it again?” Biggest mistake! Wearing
logos, flashy jewelry, and talking too much? Also big mistakes! Casting
Directors and their clients don’t have time. First impressions are everything.
Don’t be late!
eBOSS: In Your View, Is It Okay For Performers To
Promote Themselves With Their Agent’s Name On Submissions?
Carolyn: If
a performer is submitting themselves for something, it is important for the
performer to make the agent aware. This way agents can help with
decision-making and can oversee the audition and perhaps booking process. A
performer must work with their agent, not against. Trust your agent!
eBOSS: What Advice Do You Have For Anyone At The
Beginning Of Their Performance Career?
Carolyn: For anyone beginning their
performance career, walk with your passion but be able to take rejection as a
form of constructive criticism. Don’t take anything personally.
eBOSS: What Can Performers Do To Help Their Agents
Help Them?
Carolyn: Performers must always keep their photos and resumes
up-to-date, have consistent bodily measurements, etc… Always work on honing
your craft! Don’t sit back and wait for phone to ring. Agents love talent who
are go-getters and who are proactive. Even if you’re working on a short film,
always work on your craft. Never stop training; never stop doing!
eBOSS: What Can Our Industry Do Differently In Order
To Grow?
Carolyn: The talent industry is a very stressful industry! It’s
important to show respect for your fellow industry colleagues and talent. It
takes an entire team to create successful results. We work 7 days a week,
around the clock.
It is important for everyone in the industry to remember
that it is a TEAM EFFORT between talent, agent, casting director, photographers,
clients, etc. to produce a great final product. We’re all in this together! Our
success is your success!
In this business, we have the creative advantage of
bringing characters and moments to life, that people of all ages can relate to
and enjoy across the world!
“Motivation and passion is the key to success.
There’s always a way!” -- Carolyn Nikkanen
We Represent Canada's
Greatest Talent
1965 Britannia Rd. West
Mississauga, ON
L5M 4Y4
10 am- 5 pm