Monday, April 6, 2015

Bookings @ Carolyn's Model & Talent

Congrats to ‪#‎carolynstalent‬ Sharon C. Who worked on a segment for The Shopping Channel. Great work Sharon! ‪#‎torontotalent‬ ‪#‎model‬

Congrats to ‪#‎carolynstalent‬ Richard K. and Carol C. who worked on a corporate video for a client. Wonderful work you two! ‪#‎torontotalent‬ ‪#‎carolynsmodelandtalent‬


 Congrats to ‪#‎carolynskids‬ ‪#‎talent‬ Mia F. who was in a ‪#‎print‬ ad recently. Great work little one! ‪#‎torontotalent‬

 Congrats to Carolyn's talent Nathan Peters on booking a ‪#‎commercial‬! Amazing! ‪#‎torontotalent‬ ‪#‎carolynsmodelandtalent‬

Congratulations to Carolyn's talent Olivia Armstrong on booking a ‪#‎television‬ commercial! Amazing as always! ‪#‎torontotalent‬ ‪#‎carolynsmodelandtalent‬

Congrats to Carolyn's Kids talent Jayla D. on booking a television commercial! Way to go sweetie! ‪#‎torontotalent‬ ‪#‎carolynskkids‬

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